MAKTALKS is a series of six events focusing on democracy and human rights in Central America through presentations, debates, and conversations.
– Democratizing Nicaragua –
New opportunities, old patterns, and the stolen elections
In April 2018, protests spread to all corners of Nicaragua, and developed into a national cry for democracy and justice at a magnitude never seen before in the country. New hopes for a democratic future arose as the ‘Spirit of April’ united people from all walks of life.
We are now close to the long awaited national elections on November 7. However, Ortega has effectively barred the opposition from participating and there will be no excitement about the outcome. The international community is likely to declare the elections illegitimate.
Between 2018 and now, the democratic forces have gone from protests to proposals and have made their initial experiences in building a viable alternative to the regime. However, factions developed that effectively hindered a united stand.
What has happened, and where are we now on the political scene?
To answer this question, we have invited Sociologist Elvira Cuadra who will provide us with the background and set the scene.
We have also invited four different political actors who will tell us their stories and provide insights on both the dictatorship and the experiences in the opposition so far:
• Carmen Chamorro, Political Secretary of the political movement Construimos. Special topic: Youth & New Political Culture.
• Roger Espinoza, General Coordinator of the ex-prisoners in GREX. Special topic: Ex-prisoners
• George Henriquez, Creole community leader, first Black presidential candidate. Special topic: Gender & Ethnicity.
• Héctor Mairena, Spokesperson for the political party Unamos, the diversity of the opposition union. Challenges and perspectives. The international factor.
• Elvira Cuadra: Sociologist from FLACSO & UCA, IEEPP and CINCO.
At the event, we will have simultaneous translation to make the debate available for those who do not speak Spanish. Make sure to bring your phone, headphones, and to have zoom downloaded before the event
With MAKTALKS we invite different specialists from Central America to share their views and experiences on key democratic issues. MAKTALKS is an initiative that seeks to open space for important and often overseen problematics and make such information available to a Danish audience.
We find that Central American affairs are not sufficiently represented in Danish media and therefore we want to provide a platform where one can educate oneself about Central American affairs.
All MAKTALKS will be available in English
*Projektet MAKTALKS organiseret af Mellemamerika Komiteen er støttet af Kulturministeriets pulje til Almennyttige kulturelle projekter*